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The importance of doing strongfit.

Strongfit's origin story can be traced back to my initial trip to Brazil, where I began training with the MMA team at Barra Gracie. It was here that I delved into real physical conditioning under the guidance of a Cuban wrestling coach and subsequently realized i had never truly pushed myself. Those Monday morning workouts were so grueling that they kept me up on Sunday nights due to the anxiety of what lay ahead. Two months of this rigorous training transformed me into the fittest version of myself at that point though. I knew then I had found my way forward.


Impractical expectations.

All of us have either experienced or witnessed the magic of CrossFit. The Open comes around and someone gets their first pull-up or muscle up; you're pushing hard in class and get a PR on a lift! The feeling is infectious and extremely motivating. Sometimes chasing that feeling leaves us feeling let down and disappointed. Oftentimes as CrossFit athletes we expect big things but are not necessarily willing to climb the progression ladder. 


CrossFit Training for Kids.

CrossFit methodology is defined as constantly varied functional movement performed at a high intensity. For kids, this holds true with the main priority of programming being FUN! As parents, we know kids have a short attention span for activities that aren’t fun, so CrossFit Kids adds fun (games, competition, challenges) to the program.


Keeping Crossfit Fresh And Avoiding Burnout.

As coaches we have seen it time after time. An athlete starts CrossFit and falls in absolute love. Training hard leads to tons of PRs and the progress feels very linear. But then, after some time, the PRs stop, their bodies start to feel bad, they start to feel tired and dread the gym. Sleep disturbances show up, and they tell us that they feel very tired until they workout. 


"But I did it scaled..."

As coaches, we hear that saying all of the time and it is usually said with a disappointed tone. Little do our athletes know, their coaches are just grateful that they showed up and they made their health a priority. Hitting that RX is super fun and rewarding, but in the grand scheme of things, it should not be the only motivation. 


CrossFit Love.

Every athlete’s journey is different, but we all eventually hit a point with CrossFit that makes us either turn away or embrace it more.